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avril 2016

Quiksilver Board Riders, Torquay, Victoria, Australia (Thursday, March 24 2016): The opening of the The Big Wave Riders of Hawaii Collodion Wet Plate Portraits by Bernard Testemale exhibition happened tonight at the Bar 61. Hosted by Peter Mel (USA) big wave riders Ross Clarke Jones (AUS) and Tom Carroll (AUS) lead a discussion about the recent Eddie Aikau big wave event and answered questions from the audience. Photo:
Book, Collodion, Expo, Non classé, Surfing, The Big Wave Riders Of Hawaii


SATURDAY 2/4 Portraits of Hawaii’s finest French photographer Bernard Testemale is exhibiting a portrait collection exploring the parallels connecting the histories of surfing and photography at Torquay’s Bar 61. The exhibition features portraits of the big wave riders of Hawaii, using a wet plate collodion process that Testemale says gives a 3D effect and “brings […]